Senior Hairdressing Students Host Beauty School for Survivor Services Program
April 4, 2017
Hairdressing seniors hosted an hour of “Beauty School” for 15 women from the International Institute of Connecticut, Survivor Services Program. This program works with refugees, asylum seekers, asylees, and other foreign-born survivors of torture to empower survivors to heal and regain independence. Our students taught the women various beauty skills such as, braiding, product knowledge and nail services. They all had a lot of fun socializing as well. Accompanying these women was an interpreter, 2 social workers and an intern. Hairdressing Department Head Mrs. Criscuolo-D’Agostino, received an email later that day from the coordinator to “thank the students and staff saying that the women were glowing and remarked that it was their favorite day since coming to the U.S.” We also received numerous compliments about our students being compassionate and outstanding with their interaction and we are all super proud of them!!! We hope to be doing more work with this organization in the future.