Braccia Hufnagel, Kristen
Department Head, Culinary Arts
(203) 579-6333 x11547
Buggie, Stephanie
Instructor, English Language Learners
(203) 579-6333 x11522
Carloto, Lisa
Department Head, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(203) 579-6333 x11549
DeRosa, Christopher
Department Head, Criminal Justice and Protective Services
(203) 579-6333 x11611
Hassan, Rita
School Nurse (Float)
(203) 579-6333 x11483
Johnson, Shaunquetta
Instructor, Special Education
(203) 579-6333 x11474
Lewandowski, Amber
Instructor, Physical Education and Health
(203) 579-6333 x11423
Mongillo, Deborah
Instructor, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(203) 579-6333 x11531
Moreira, Nicholas
Instructor, Physical Education and Health
(203) 579-6333 x11485
Palmer, Joseph
Student Achievement Intervention Lab (SAIL)
(203) 579-6333 x11568
Peppers, Sherrie
Instructor, Physical Education and Health
(203) 579-6333 x11546
Rak, Thomas
Instructor, Criminal Justice and Protective Services
(203) 579-6333 x11600
Rodríguez-Wronowski, Kristy
Assistant Principal
203 579-6333 x11498
Stefania-Parisi, Amber
Instructor, Social Studies
(203) 579-6333 x11499
Urbano, Taylor
Instructor, Physical Education and Health
(203) 579-6333 x11546
Walkuski, Alex
Department Head, Mathematics/Interim Asst Principle
(203) 579-6333 x11457