The Bullard-Havens Technical High School Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) holds meetings virtually (at this time) the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. Parents, guardians, friends and faculty are invited and encouraged to attend.
As parents and guardians of students attending a Technical High School, you are invited to be a member of this organization. The purpose of this organization is to encourage a closer association among parents, their sons/daughters and teachers by providing social activities supporting worthwhile school projects. At the same time, the PFO endeavors to gain community and state support for career technical education (CTE).
Scholarships are awarded by the PFO. All scholarships are equally awarded to those who are well excelled in their class and students who have shown resilience, character, have an uncompromising form of integrity and have a heart of servanthood while improving dramatically within the school year in their academics and technical training. Both (PFO) and the faculty of Bullard Havens will vote and agree who will be awarded and chosen for scholarships. Parents and guardians are urged to show their support for the educational process by joining the Parent-Faculty Organization.
- Parents or Guardians of a full-time student or a member of the faculty.
- $10.00 yearly dues entitles the member to voting privileges.
Karoll Lopez
Vice President
Kafayat Oyeniyi
Jahaira Ortiz

Karoll Lopez is a mom with a Sophomore in BHT, born and raised in Bridgeport. She has experience on the PTA from her child’s elementary school. Karoll has 5+ years experience as an administrative/HR assistant in a manufacturing company bringing her knowledge to the PFO. She is excited to join the PFO and bring a new spin to what we can offer to the students and faculty. In her spare time, she loves anything Harry Potter, stationary (who doesn’t love a good pen) and making memories with family and friends.